
3 Pitfalls Stopping Your Business Idea from Thriving—and How to Beat Them

3 Pitfalls Stopping Your Business Idea from Thriving—and How to Beat Them | Uncover the 3 main pitfalls stopping business ideas from thriving and learn how to overcome them to start a successful online business. | starting an online business | start a business from home | business idea | Business & Life Coach | Business Coach | Small Business Coach | Business Coach | Entrepreneurship | Startups |Online Business Coach | Small Business Coach | Business Coaching Services | Executive & Business Coaching | Business Coach for Entrepreneurs | Business Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneur classes | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Small Business and Entrepreneurship | Becoming an entrepreneur | Digital Entrepreneur | Online entrepreneur | Entrepreneur coach | Entrepreneurship coach | Resources for entrepreneurs | Small business entrepreneur | small business entrepreneurship | Start your own business and become an entrepreneur | Business Coaching & Entrepreneurship Training by Ksenia Votinova-Arnaud
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Imagine this: you’ve got a business idea that could change the game. It’s smart, it’s needed, and you know it could really take off. But then, weeks turn into months, and months slip into years. Suddenly, that brilliant idea is still just that—an idea. Why does this happen so often? Why do groundbreaking ideas fail to bloom into successful businesses?

Every day, countless entrepreneurs let hesitation and doubt sideline their dreams. They think they need the perfect moment, just a bit more knowledge, or a little more experience. However, the truth is, these are often just excuses masking the fear of taking the first step. In this article, we’ll explore the three most common reasons why many smart business ideas never see the light of day, let alone flourish into thriving businesses.

Whether you’re just nurturing a budding concept or you’re ready to leap into entrepreneurship but find something holding you back, understanding these pitfalls can set you on a path to action. And remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. As a business coach, I can help guide you past these pitfalls towards building a business that’s not only viable but vibrant. Let’s dive in and discover how you can move beyond planning and start doing.

Pitfall 1: The “Right Time” Myth

Over the years, I’ve spoken with countless entrepreneurs brimming with enthusiasm and innovative ideas. Yet, one of the most common stumbling blocks I encounter in these conversations is the belief in the “right time.” Many aspiring business owners tell themselves, “I just need to move houses first,” or “Let me wrap up this project at work, then I’ll focus on my business idea.” It sounds reasonable, but waiting for the perfect moment often means waiting forever.

Take, for example, Lucie—an entrepreneur I worked with who always felt she needed just a little more time to think things through. She waited for the right time to leave her full-time job, the right time to finish her ongoing commitments, always one more thing before she could start. What Lucie eventually realized through coaching was that these delays were a safety net for fear, not a step towards preparation.

The truth is, there is no perfect time

The right time to start is now, with whatever resources and knowledge you have. It’s not about having everything lined up perfectly but about moving forward with what you’ve got. In entrepreneurship, action breeds clarity and opportunity. By starting small and adjusting as you go, you learn what works and what doesn’t, far more effectively than in any theoretical planning stage.

So, let’s debunk the myth: don’t wait for the right time. Create it. By taking action today, you begin the journey towards realizing your business dreams, not tomorrow, not next year, but now. As we work together, I’ll help you navigate these initial steps, setting the foundation for a thriving business built on proactive, not passive, strategies.

Pitfall 2: The Over-Education Trap

In my experience as a business coach, I often encounter entrepreneurs who think one more class, one more degree, might be the key to their success. Consider the case of Fanny, an aspiring entrepreneur in the gaming industry. She reached out to me with an exciting business idea and shared the early wins and challenges she faced while building her company. We discussed various strategies and actionable steps to acquire her first clients and propel her business towards profitability.

However, despite the clear path we laid out, Fanny decided to enroll in business school, believing further education would be more beneficial. I was not just disappointed but also concerned for her—having completed an MBA myself, I understand the value of such education. However, I also know it can be a significant diversion of time and resources, particularly when you already have a solid business idea in motion.

This scenario is a classic example of the over-education trap. Education is invaluable, yes, but there’s a time when action must take precedence over continuous study. In the real world of business, practical experience often yields more immediate value than theoretical knowledge. By prioritizing learning-by-doing over formal education, entrepreneurs can adapt more swiftly and effectively to the demands of the market.

It’s crucial to recognize when to shift from learning to doing. As a coach, my role is to guide you through this transition, ensuring you apply what you know to real-world situations and avoid the costly detours that over-education can lead to. Let’s focus on making your business thrive now, rather than later.

Pitfall 3: The Experience Paradox

A common hesitation I hear from budding entrepreneurs concerns the lack of direct experience. “I need to figure things out first,” or “I should gain a few more years of experience at my current job,” are typical statements that signify this mindset. While gaining experience is undoubtedly valuable, it can become a trap when it prevents you from starting your own venture.

Consider the scenario of many entrepreneurs who believe that working in a specific role, joining a startup, or shadowing someone else’s success is the best way to prepare for their own business. This approach can provide insights, but it’s rarely as targeted or as efficient as diving in and learning from your own experiences.

I’ve grappled with this paradox myself, and I want to share a personal story that illustrates it.

A few years into running my first startup, Le VPN, I began to notice a trend. Friends and professional contacts frequently sought me out, eager to pick my brain over coffee or lunch. They were particularly interested in the innovative marketing techniques I had implemented for Le VPN, which not only spurred our growth but also significantly boosted our profitability. These casual meetings quickly evolved into more structured sessions, with some contacts becoming regular “mentees.” It was during these interactions that I realized there was a potential business opportunity in consulting or coaching.

Encouraged by this demand, I started offering marketing consulting services. Despite achieving some success, I constantly felt underqualified because of my lack of formal consulting experience. Determined to rectify this, I reached out to several acquaintances within the consulting industry, offering to work for free to gain the necessary experience. To my disappointment, none of them took up my offer. Most were running their own firms and didn’t see the value in training someone new at the expense of their time.

However, I didn’t let this setback deter me. When I learned about an opportunity to work as a Business Coach for INSEAD, I decided to take a bold step. After attending an INSEAD alumni event in Paris, I approached the Dean of Online Learning. I pitched myself passionately, leveraging my practical experience and the unique insights I had gained from running my own successful startup. My persistence paid off, and he connected me with the hiring manager. I was brought onto the team and, once again, found myself learning on the job.

Today, I am one of the longest-serving and top-rated coaches on the INSEAD team, often tasked with the most complex and customized executive programs. My journey has come full circle—from feeling like an outsider in the consulting world to becoming a seasoned and certified professional coach. This path has taught me that the experience paradox can be a significant roadblock for many, but it doesn’t have to be. 

The best way to gain experience is often to create opportunities for yourself, learning dynamically from each challenge and success.

So, if you’re holding back because you feel you’re not experienced enough, remember my story. With the right guidance and a willingness to learn as you go, you can overcome the experience paradox. 

In my own journey, having launched several businesses, I’ve often felt like a novice again, each time venturing into a new industry with its unique challenges and rules. Yet, this didn’t deter me; instead, it fueled my growth. I’ve learned that real, on-the-job experience comes from facing the uncertainties of entrepreneurship head-on. Yes, you’ll make mistakes, but you’ll also make unexpected breakthroughs that no preparatory job or role could teach.

Moreover, the idea that one must gather a vast array of experiences before starting a business can lead to indefinite delays. You might think you’re not ready, but in reality, no amount of preparatory work can fully ready you for the challenges and rewards of running your own business.

This is where coaching can play a transformative role. By working with a coach, you can navigate the early stages of your business with someone who’s been there. I can help you apply your existing skills in new ways and accelerate your learning curve through targeted, practical strategies that align with your business goals. Instead of waiting to gain more experience elsewhere, why not gain it where it matters most—in your own business?

Let’s turn your potential into action. It’s time to move beyond the experience paradox and embrace the dynamic, rewarding world of entrepreneurship.


As we’ve explored today, the journey to entrepreneurship is often strewn with psychological and practical hurdles. The myths of the “right time,” the “need for more education,” and the “lack of experience” can deter even the most enthusiastic entrepreneurs from taking that crucial first step towards realizing their business dreams. However, each of these challenges can be overcome with the right mindset and guidance.

Remember, the perfect time to start is now. Education is invaluable, but it should not postpone the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey. And when it comes to experience, the most impactful lessons are those learned through the trials and triumphs of running your own business.

If you find yourself hesitating to take the plunge or unsure how to move past these common roadblocks, remember that you don’t have to navigate this path alone. As someone who has not only faced these challenges but has also helped others to overcome them, I am here to support you.

Take a bold step towards turning your business idea into a thriving enterprise. Book a free 30-minute coaching exploration call with me today. Together, we can discuss your specific needs and outline a strategy that aligns with your business goals. This is your moment to transform potential into reality. Let’s make it happen.

Click here to schedule your free coaching session now.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey together. Your future as a successful entrepreneur is just one decision away. Embrace it!


Hi, I'm Ksenia.
Business Coach & Startup Founder

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