get started

Take a Leap from Corporate into Entrepreneurship

If you’re flirting with an idea of becoming an entrepreneur or business owner, my free entrepreneurship trainings and other freebies are just what you need to get started!


Entrepreneurship is all about taking action, and the first action you need to take right now is DECISION TO BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR.
Yes, you might wait another year or two until you're "ready" but the truth is - no matter how much time passes, you will never be more ready than NOW.
Waiting will only increase your chances of never doing it at all.
So why not take the first step today? It's free.

If you want to design a life on your terms, you're in the right place. 

Get access to my free training "After Hours Empire: Building Your Business Without Quitting Your 9-5" and replicate my strategies to start a business.

First step...

Paris-Based Business Coach, serial entrepreneur, PCC, Author, INSEAD MBa.

Hi, I'm Ksenia.
Your Coach + Business Trainer.

I empower corporate professionals to take a leap into the entrepreneurship world or build a Portfolio career, by helping them uncover innovative business ideas and build profitable and resilient companies.
I've already helped over a thousand people, and I'd love you to join the club!

see on Linkedin

Launch Your First Side Business Efficiently, with Minimal Investment of Time and Resources.


Blend Your Passions, Skills, and Income Streams into a Flexible & Rewarding Portfolio Career.



I love quick wins, so I created free guides, cheatsheets and trainings that could get you started right away on the entrepreneurship path. Grab what you need!

Explore Free Resources

Start here:

Book a free coaching exploration session →

Loved my free resources and now ready to explore training with me live? My one-on-one and team coaching programs open throughout the year, so let's talk and explore if coaching is the right fit for you.

Train with Me

Success Stories

- SamaH, past STUDENT

“Ksenia’s unique blend of digital expertise and her guidance helped me strengthen and validate my ideas .


Get weekly doses of entrepreneurial strategies, startup wisdom, and actionable tools.

Ready Set Win.


Struggling to pin down that game-changing business idea? Use my proven 7-step process, merging personal introspection with AI magic, to reveal the idea you've been waiting for. 

Uncover Your Unique Business Idea Using AI

Steal this!


Free Course for Entrepreneurs

it's not free espresso, but it's damn close:

Learn how to launch your first side business efficiently, with minimal investment of time and resources.
