Mastering Startup Ideas

Mastering Startup Ideas 

Turn your business idea fog into a crystal-clear vision and launch a profitable and resilient business in 8 weeks.

Your Powerful Formula to Identify, Develop, and Test Breakthrough Business Ideas

online course for entrepreneurs

I'm ready! Let's do this!

By the end of this program,
you will have…

Nailed Down Your Business Idea

based on the complete inventory of your internal and external resources, your passions, values, and opportunities available to you right now.

Defined & Interviewed Your Ideal Customers

by understanding their customer journey, their desires, and pain points, and learned to identify the problem that is really worth solving for them.

Market-Validated Your Early Prototype

Anchored the Vision for Your Company

Drafted Your Action Plan to Move Forward

with real customers, after selecting the most promising solution to their most pressing problem from a creative pool of ideas you generated.

by integrating the key steps of the WeatherProof Business™  formula, designed to build resilient, profitable companies rooted in your values.

that is specific, realistic, and actionable, and that gets you excited by the small wins you already have and inspires you to start building your company as soon as possible.

“I was very pleasantly surprised by the progress made sometimes in just one session. The practical exercises helped me develop a clear vision and a realistic action plan.”

- Morgane

"Ksenia’s unique blend of digital expertise and her guidance helped me strengthen and validate my ideas .

Throughout her unique structured program, we didn’t only validate our start-up ideas but also turned challenges into tangible strategies."

be bold!


"The program provides a structured way to refine and validate your business idea and continue to do so after the end of it.

Ksenia's insights are simple and actionable golden nuggets to move you forward whenever you need it."


"Ksenia's unique blend of digital expertise and her guidance helped to sculpt my project's trajectory.

Her innate ability to turn daunting challenges into tangible strategies has been my guiding light.

With Ksenia's touch, my vision for Peopled has gained clarity, conviction, and a steady momentum."





ready to?...

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Module One: Unlocking Your WHY

Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's gone before you - I know exactly where most students get stuck in their business ideation process.

In this module, we're going to focus on all the resources that are already available to you, internal and external, and use a powerful design thinking method to nail down your business idea.

what is inside Mastering Startup Ideas:

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Module Two: Defining the WHO (Customer Persona)

Here we dive deep into the heart of your business: the customer. Understanding who you're solving a problem for is critical to ensuring your solution hits the mark.

Without this crucial step, you risk building a solution in search of a problem rather than a true market fit. Prepare to shift from idea-centric to customer-centric thinking, which is essential for any successful startup.

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Module Three: Crafting the WHAT: the MVP

This is where your ideas begin to take form as tangible solutions. Building upon customer understanding, you'll now focus on creating viable solutions — the 'what' of your business.

By the end of this module, you'll have a prototype concept tested for market viability, ensuring that you not only know your customer's pain points but are actually solving them in innovative and practical ways.

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Module Four: Laying the Groundwork for HOW

We consolidate your learning in this module about the 'how' - laying down a robust framework that will weather the ups and downs of the business landscape.

You will focus on building a business model that not only thrives in today's market but is also adaptable to future challenges and opportunities.






when you enroll, you will get:

How does this sound?

4 Modules of video Training that you can complete at your own pace (5 hours of videos + workbooK)

Project Plans, workbook exercises and digital templates to put your idea in action

Your Time-saving business idea discovery ai-assistant for each module to help you go faster

Lifetime Access to the Program, its Videos, PDF Guides, Templates, and all the resources.

INSTANT and full access to the Mastering Startup Ideas™ program at a self-study mode


If you've never heard of me before and haven't worked with me in the past, I understand your concern. I wouldn't give my money to a stranger either, and you absolutely should do your due diligence!

Go to my LinkedIn profile, and chances are - we have connections in common, and they can vet for me! Over a thousand of my LinkedIn contacts are people I coached, so they can even tell you about their results.

How do I know if this program is worth the investment?

You are right. I did not reinvent the wheel, and most of the things I teach can be found online, in books, free courses, on YouTube, or on social media.

You can absolutely go that way and spend countless hours figuring it out on your own. You can even find the bits and pieces of my strategy on my social media, in my free resources and masterclasses, or grab my list of 100+ business books I read on the topic.

But do you really want to? I've already done this work for you and put it in a comprehensive and results-oriented system. You don't need to read those 100+ books, do a year-long MBA, or go through 10+ executive courses on design thinking and innovation.

I've done them for you and put them in a step-by-step program that you can do in 8 weeks and get my support if you need help.

How is this course different from all the information that is already available out there free of charge?

Raising VC money has become a very common practice these days. Indeed, when we think of startups, we automatically think of raising capital. It is one of the ways, but not the only way.

The WeatherProof Business™ formula that I will teach you inside Mastering Startup Ideas is designed to work for all types of businesses, especially those that are bootstrapped with no investor money. My method is designed to come up with business ideas for profitable, resilient businesses that can auto-finance themselves with their profits and don't need to raise capital to survive.

If you still decide to raise VC money, you can. Your business idea may not speak to everyone, but VCs are investing not as much in the idea as in its execution and the team behind it. And I can assure you that if you are really passionate about what you do, you'll execute it better than anyone and attract the capital you seek.

What if the idea I come up with doesn't speak to VCs and other investors? Don't I need to be able to raise money for my startup?

I get you, but NO. You can absolutely do this and find that idea inside yourself.

For a long time, I also thought that I was not a creative person and that everybody else had better ideas than me. Those times are long gone, and I know for a FACT that everyone can be creative with the right tools and methods.

We'll spend the whole Module 1 digging into your internal and external resources that will serve as a foundation for your idea, and then in Module 2, I will walk you through a design thinking process that will prove to you once and for all how creative you can be!

I'm not sure I am creative enough to find THE business idea. Shall I team up with other people or join a startup that already exists?

I'll be totally honest with you.
  • YES, there's a significant amount of things I'm going to ask you to learn and implement inside Mastering Startup Ideas.
  • YES, it'll probably get a little uncomfortable at times.
  • YES, you'll have moments when you might feel like I'm asking too much.
But here's the thing...

As long as you're willing to invest a few hours every week and reach out for help every time you get stuck, you can absolutely do this.

You've probably recognized by now that there's NOTHING of value that can be created in the business world without a significant amount of effort. If you're reading this, I'm sure you actually want to put in the effort and feel like you've earned the life-changing outcome that a successful business can provide.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I'm going to need to learn and execute inside this program. Are you sure I can do this?

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're thinking, "This sounds amazing, but I'm still not 100% sure", keep reading...

You should give Mastering Startup Ideas a 14-day risk-free shot if any of the following sound like you:

This      for you if:

You want to be your own boss. BADLY.

You don't want to become an entrepreneur and a business owner.

You want to pin down that cash-generating & impactful business idea aligned with your passions, that's been eluding until now.

You're not willing to do the work, including searching inside yourself and also going outside to speak to your potential clients.

You want to master a proven framework to build a Weatherproof Business that is profitable and resilient in any economic forecast.

You recognize there is no "perfect time" and waiting to start your own business "some day" is not the answer.

It's probably        for you if...

You're overwhelmed by the idea of meeting your potential clients, learning about their pain points, and running experiments to try and solve those problems.

You're not ready to invest 4-5 hours per week to follow the process of discovering and validating your business idea and transforming your clients' and your own life.



“It is a game-changer for aspiring entrepreneurs who are balancing the demands of a full-time job with their entrepreneurial ambitions!”


If we haven't met yet, I'm a Serial Entrepreneur with 3 companies built and 1 acquired and a PCC Business Coach certified by ICF, and working at INSEAD.

In the past 7 years, I have coached over ONE THOUSAND entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators. Somewhere halfway through that journey, I noticed how easy it became for me to see exactly what my clients were struggling with and why, and my WeatherProof Business™ formula was born.

It is the exact formula I used to build my last two companies and that I share with my clients and startups that I mentor. Today, it is the most comprehensive system that combines business strategy, design thinking, lean methodology, and ICF coaching techniques.

If you've had the entrepreneurship dream for a while and need that extra help and a SYSTEM to finally nail that business idea that can change your life, you are in the right place inside this program.

I cannot wait to work with you on this program and contribute to your business success!

I am Ksenia Votinova-Arnaud,
a Business Coach and a Serial Entrepreneur, and I can’t wait to meet you inside
Mastering Startup Ideas!


A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

so let's get  you started!

Study at your own pace & learning style

Stay on track with project plans & group coaching calls

GROW YOUR SUPPORT NETWORK inside the learning community

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